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The skinny on happiness

Happiness is a deeply personal thing. We all have our own definition of happiness. Most people would describe me as a glass-half-full, optimistic person. And I am by nature. But I became unhappy and glass-half-empty as I got farther and father out of the equation of my own life.

In my experience, happiness is directly linked to how self-aware, self-accepting and self-forgiving you are. When I learned to love myself — really love myself — I became truly happy.

Happiness is a subject I’ve thought about, read about, and actively studied of late. So, imagine my excitement when this cool infographic from Happify on the science of happiness came across my email! I love it. It not only rang true for me, but honestly, I’m living proof of much of the science behind it. A test case, if you will. So I thought it would be fun to share it here.


I frequently write about and actively discuss happiness with others. But, honestly, learning to live from a foundation of inner happiness is something I’ve worked at most of my adult life, and it didn’t come easily.

It wasn’t until my  late 40’s that I finally got it — the secret that for me created a strong foundation of happiness that is now my core.  For me, the secret(s) are: self-love and acceptance, a change in attitude and outlook, and a life lived from a place of gratitude.

This research based graphic has so many great facts about happiness based in science. Here are just a few that stood out for me:

  • Happiness is a skill you can build with regular practice. You have the ability to control how fulfilling your life is.
  • Happy people are healthier.
  • You can get more out of a good experience when you slow down and savor it, live in the moment.
  • People who have experienced some adversity and overcome it are usually happier than those who haven’t experienced any.
  • Happiness is NOT feeling hunky dory all of the time, having all the money you could want, refusing to see the negative stuff. in the world, or a final destination. (Amen.).
  • Practicing gratitude regularly makes you feel happier.

Check out this cool graphic here on the Happify website and let me know what you think.



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One Comment Post a comment
  1. Jean #

    Love the message. I think I needed to read it today. Great graphic too!

    April 4, 2014

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